
Essential Oil Rollerbottles for Stress and Focus [Recipe]

With school starting and our hectic lives, I thought it would be helpful to write about essential oil blends for stress and focus. I’ll list some of the recommended oils for stress, anxiety, and concentration below, and guidelines on how to craft your blends. The best oil blends are those you like the smell of, and everyone’s preferences are different. Even if there’s an oil that people say is the best for one thing or another, if you hate how it smells, it’s not for you.

 Recommended oils:










Oils for focus:






Oils for mood:




Ylang Ylang


Now don’t feel like you need to make a blend with all of these oils, they’re just to give you some ideas for your blends. Any can be used to make a rollerbottle with a carrier oil, but I’d recommend trying them in a diffuser first to make sure you like how the blend goes together.

A few of our favorites to try are:

Lemon and Rosemary

Lavender and Bergamot

Peppermint and Rosemary

Rose and Orange

Peppermint and Lemon

Cedarwood, Lavender, and Orange


The above oils can also go well on their own if you don’t like them blended. To make a rollerbottle, we’d recommend using a total of 4-10 drops of essential oil in a 10ml rollerbottle, with the remainder being filled with a carrier oil like grapeseed oil.


See our full article on essential oil dilutions and rollerbottles on our website here:

Essential Oil Dilutions for Rollerbottles

We have all the supplies needed at Pass Health Foods to make your blends including rollerbottles, essential oils, and carrier oils. Stop by the store at 7228 W. College Drive in Palos Heights.

DIY Anti-Stress Essential Oil Blends

Using essential oils in the home with a diffuser is a wonderful way to both scent the home naturally, but they also can help to change your mood!

Lavender essential oil is traditionally used and approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as an herbal medicine to relieve stress and anxiety.

There are a variety of clinical research studies on lavender oil which have been done with positive results for anxiety and depression. Smelling lavender oil appears to affect brain receptors that can help to reduce anxiety and depression, amazingly.

Another essential oil that has shown benefits for mood and stress relief is orange oil. It’s been studied for its benefit in reducing anxiety in both children and adults with positive results (here’s a link to a study on orange oil and children’s anxiety). Orange oil has also been the subject of animal studies finding benefit for anxiety and depression.

The third oil oil we recommend for stress is rose, which has been found in research to help with reducing stress and even lowering blood pressure!

Our Anti-Stress, Relaxing Essential Oil Blend

6 drops rose absolute essential oil

4 drops lavender essential oil

4 drops orange essential oil

Add oils to the water in a diffuser. If the scent is too strong for your home, reduce the quantities for your room size.

Note: Some people are sensitive to the smell of rose and really dislike the scent (I can’t understand how anyone can’t like the smell of roses, but to each their own). If that is the case with you, feel free to leave the rose oil out- the orange and lavender make a nice combination on their own.

I also wanted to share another rose blend that I’m really loving during the cold, dreary days we’ve been having. It’s a warming, comforting blend that has a number of benefits. In addition to rose, which helps with stress, it’s combined with patchouli, which has been used for many years as a relaxing and mood boosting oil. The third ingredient is clove oil, which has antibacterial and antifungal properties and can even help with improving indoor air quality.

This blend really makes the home smell wonderful as well. I’ve been using it in the diffuser a lot at the store and always get lots of compliments.

Our Comforting, Stress Relieving Blend

4 drops clove essential oil

4 drops patchouli essential oil

6 drops rose absolute essential oil

Add oils to the water in a diffuser. If the scent is too strong for your home, reduce the quantities for your room size.