Natural Ways to Improve Memory

Just about everyone wishes they could enhance their memory and brain functioning, whatever age you are. As we get older, one of the normal parts of aging is age-related cognitive decline. By the age of 45, the majority of people do not have the same mental performance as when they were in their twenties. These little memory “slips” are normal, though they can be annoying and something that we notice and can begin to worry about, particularly for people with family histories of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Keeping the brain sharp through our lives by reading, doing crosswords or puzzles, socializing, and learning new things is always important, though there are also natural supplements that can be of help for maintaining and improving memory and brain functioning.

The first I would always mention are omega 3s, generally found in fish. Omega 3s are known as essential fatty acids, which means that they are absolutely essential to our health. Unlike many nutrients, our bodies cannot make its own omega 3s, so they must be obtained through either diet or supplements. If you are not eating quality, fatty fish multiple times a week, it’s important to get those omega 3s through supplements, since omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for proper brain functioning, as well as cardiovascular health.

For people who are deficient in omega 3s, supplementing with a quality fish oil supplement can make a real difference in our brain health, impacting memory, mood, and more. Keep in mind that not all omega 3 supplements are created equal, however, in both their potency and purity.

Next, is a supplement I’ve always been fond of, but that I’ve seen a lot of great new research on for memory and brain function called phosphatidyl serine, also known as PS. Phosphatidyl serine is a supplement that has been used for memory for many years, though several new studies have just continued to confirm and expand its known benefit for memory and brain function for people of all ages.

Two new studies with adults showing normal age-related mental decline were given 300mg of phosphatidyl serine daily. At the end of both studies, the groups using PS had significant gains in a variety of tests measuring memory and mental functioning. Two of the tests, remembering names an hour after introduction and also for learning and remembering written information, showed a very impressive positive difference when compared with the group of adults who were given a placebo (who didn’t show hardly any improvement).

Interestingly, PS also appears to help with reducing stress and improving mood, especially in regards to mental performance. Another study done was done with young adults and a stressful arithmetic test. After supplementation for a month with phosphatidyl serine, when subjected to a similar test, they reported feeling more clear headed and less stressed when doing taxing mental exercises.

Phosphatidyl serine has also been used on children in a variety of studies, generally focused on children with ADD and ADHD. Several different studies showed significant benefits at a dose of 200mg a day for an improvement of inattention as well as reduced hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

PS is a safe supplement for all ages since it is actually a substance produced in small amounts in our bodies. It works in part by improving communication between the different parts of the brain and between neurotransmitters. Animal studies have found that the amount of phosphatidyl serine naturally produced in the brain decreases as we age, which may be part of the reason that our memory and brain function can begin to deteriorate as we get older.

Supplementing with PS is a simple thing that might really make a big difference in brain health for all ages. I’d say that any amount of PS supplementation daily would be beneficial, though the amounts for in most studies used 200-300mg daily, so for the greatest benefit, that’s what I’d recommend trying. Some studies were only a month long, though the majority were twelve week studies, so if you do decide to try it, try to be patient to give it enough time to see the full results.