Lice Prevention

DIY Preventative Essential Oil Lice Spray for Hair

With school back in session, many parents are worried about lice, since it can run rampant through a classroom. Luckily, there are several essential oils that actually repel lice.

Tea tree oil is wonderful at repelling lice (and its also antibacterial and antifungal), but it isn’t the greatest smelling. Mixing it with other lice repellent oils helps it to smell nice while also being very effective for keeping head lice away.

These oils work well when mixed with water in a small bottle (we sell small 2oz. amber bottles at the store that would be perfect for this).


Preventative Essential Oil Lice Spray

This preventative spray has a pleasant, herbal smell. It’s best sprayed on in the mornings before school on both the scalp and on the length of the hair as well. This recipe is to be used on children 5 and up. For younger preschoolers, omit the eucalyptus oil from the recipe.

2 oz. spray bottle, filled halfway with water

10 drops tea tree oil

5 drops lavender oil

5 drops rosemary oil

5 drops eucalyptus oil

witch hazel (optional)

Fill a 2oz spray bottle halfway with water (it’s best to use distilled or bottled water) and add the essential oils.

After adding the oils, fill the rest of the way with either witch hazel or water (witch hazel helps to keep the oils mixed with the water better, and works as a natural preservative, though the recipe can be used with just water as well).

Shake well before each use.