Natural Coronavirus Prevention

Everyone is very worried about the coronavirus, and while it is scary, we need to keep our concerns in the proper perspective. Watching the news is very frightening, and our hearts do go out to those in China where things seem to be the worst.

For people in the United States, however, the odds of contracting the disease are truly almost zero. You are much more likely to win the lottery and be struck by lightning. Thankfully, due to increased awareness and CDC precautions, we are even further protected.

Who knows what the future holds, but the precautions against the coronavirus are the same as what we need to do for combating the more common flu and respiratory infections- wash your hands frequently (and thoroughly- for at least 20 seconds), use hand sanitizer when unable to wash hands, and try to not touch your face with unwashed hands (especially the eyes, nose, and mouth). Also, trying to eat a healthier diet can help- both excess sugar and alcohol have been shown to depress the immune system.

In addition to lifestyle changes, there are several, well-researched supplements that can help with boosting the immune system, since a healthy immune system is the way to stay healthy. Every day we come into contact with bacteria and viruses that our immune systems work to fight off. Usually, they win the battle, but when they can’t mount an effective counter-attack is when we fall ill. Thankfully, there are natural supplements that can help our own body’s immune system to work better and be more effective against bacteria and viruses, of all kinds.

The first supplement we’d recommend is elderberry, also known by its scientific name, sambucus. Elderberry syrup is a potent, natural antiviral agent that has shown impressive results against a variety of respiratory infections. Scientists believe that part of the way elderberry works is by actually deactivating viruses like the flu, preventing them from replicating, which helps the body to be able to fight them off easier while also stimulating the immune response.

Elderberry is effective as a preventative measure against illness, but can also reduce the severity of symptoms of viral illnesses. Research has found that elderberry is able to reduce the symptoms of upper respiratory infection regardless of the cause, which is helpful since it can be extremely difficult to pinpoint a specific viral strain just by symptoms since even the “common cold” can make a person feel pretty awful.

Another potent natural supplement I’d recommend is a patented extract derived from mushrooms known as AHCC. Unlike elderberry, which works specifically on the viruses causing an illness, AHCC works by affecting the immune system directly. AHCC helps to boost our own body’s immune response. Studies have found that AHCC can boost the effectiveness of our own immune system in a variety of ways, including increasing the activity of our body’s NK, or “natural killer” cells, that identify and destroy viruses, bacteria, and abnormal cells in the body, as well as immune cells in our the respiratory tract that work to fend off foreign invaders as they enter the body.

Immune blends, like one of our favorites called Immuno Shield by Irwin Naturals can also be very helpful in boosting immune functioning. Immuno Shield combines a variety of well-researched immune-boosting supplements in one pill, including echinacea, olive leaf, oregano oil, and more. It’s probably the most popular immune supplement for our customers since its effective both preventatively and if you do get sick to help you to feel better faster.

Something else that may be beneficial is manuka honey lozenges. Manuka honey is a specific type of honey that is strongly antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial. Much of the research on manuka honey used orally has been on its ability to inhibit bacterial growth, like strep throat, though new research is confirming manuka honey’s benefits against viruses as well. We have a great manuka honey lozenge I would really recommend by YS Bee Farms that combines beneficial manuka honey with another bee product, propolis, that is also strongly antimicrobial and also helps with healing, so it’s great for sore throats.

Finally, let me say to please not panic about this new virus. Yes, the news is scary, but I do believe sensational news media is getting people more frightened than necessary. At the time I’m writing this there have been less than 100 confirmed cases in America of the coronavirus. In 2018 the US population was measured to be over 327 million. The odds of contracting coronavirus using those numbers is statistically zero. If you’re traveling overseas, wearing a mask at the airport or on a flight doesn’t seem a bad idea if you’re worried. We’ve had some customers ask, so we did bring in a small supply of disposable face masks for people who are traveling, but we would really say that they are generally unnecessary in most cases.

Should we be taking precautions?  Absolutely. That’s because the precautions to prevent against coronavirus are the same as those to prevent you from getting the flu or other respiratory viruses, which are significantly more likely. Wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer when needed, take some immune boosters, and make sure you’re getting enough rest and feeding your body with good foods. All of those things will help you to stay healthy from whatever bugs that cross our path.

Stop by our store in Palos Heights for more information at 7228 W. College Drive. We have kind, knowledgeable employees who can help you to choose the right supplements for your individual needs.