Heart Health

Supplement Spotlight: PQQ for Heart Health and More

I’m very excited to share some information about a brand new supplement that we’ve been lucky enough to find, PQQ.  PQQ is related to CoQ10, but might even be superior in its benefits.

I’ve written about CoQ10 numerous times for its benefit to heart health and so much more.  Here are a couple of our past articles about that amazing supplement:

CoQ10 and Heart Health

CoQ10 and Heart Disease

CoQ10 helps to support our cell’s mitochondria.  Mitochondria are literally the powerhouses of each cell.  Mitochondria are most present in parts of the body that need the most energy- particularly the heart.

CoQ10 helps to support and preserve mitochondrial function.  The new supplement PQQ is amazing because it has been shown in preliminary studies to not only aid in mitochondrial function, but actually help to generate new mitochondria (there’s a link to one of the studies here).

PQQ has also been found to have neuroprotective effects, and may even be beneficial for Parkinson’s Disease (study here) and as a therapy for recovering from a stroke (study here).

Research on PQQ is still in its very preliminary stages, but I am extremely happy that we are able to offer it as a supplement due to its impressive list of potential benefits.

I wouldn’t suggest that people replace their CoQ10 supplements with PQQ, but I do think it would be a wonderfully beneficial supplement to add to a CoQ10 regimen, particularly for persons with heart, brain, or nerve issues.

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

Q: It seems I have high blood pressure!  I am healthy, I exercise and eat right, but I’ve been getting high blood pressure readings for the past several weeks.  At first I ignored it since I thought, “I’m healthy, I can’t have high blood pressure!”, but since those high readings have stayed consistent, I have to come to grips with reality.  Do you have any suggestions of natural things I can do to lower it?  I just can’t believe it!


A:  High blood pressure is often called “The Silent Killer” because it can occur without any symptoms. Risk factors for high blood pressure are obesity, lack of exercise, a diet high in salt, stress, smoking, as well as a family history of high blood pressure. 

High blood pressure is a common problem, but it’s important to not ignore it because of that.  High blood pressure can damage and narrow the arteries, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.  Over time high blood pressure can even cause an aneurysm, which can rupture and cause life threatening internal bleeding.

The first thing I would look to is the amount of salt in your diet.  There is sodium in everything, particularly canned and prepared foods, so it could be that you don’t realize the amount of salt you’re eating.  Some people are especially sensitive to salt, and you could be one of those people.  Excess salt in the diet increases the amount of sodium in the bloodstream.  This puts a strain on the kidneys since the kidneys as they work to maintain the body’s water and salt balance, which in turn raises blood pressure.

Start taking note of the nutrition facts on the foods you’re eating, adding up the sodium content.  At first, aim to have your daily sodium count under 2,300 mg.  If you do this for two weeks without noticing a change in blood pressure, reducing it to a number of 1,500 or below may be necessary to see results.

Some scientists content that salt in the diet is not the problem, but rather an imbalance in a person’s sodium/potassium balance.  Increasing the amount of potassium in the diet may help to lower blood pressure.  The daily recommendation of potassium per day is 4,700mg, a number most Americans don’t get anywhere near.  Potassium works to balance the effect of sodium on the body, so reducing sodium in the diet while increasing your daily potassium content is especially helpful.  Many common foods are high in potassium, including oats, barley, quinoa, avocado, bananas, lentils, pinto beans, potatoes, and spinach to name a few.  We have a great list of potassium containing foods on our website, so be sure to look there for a more complete listing. 

There are also supplements which can help with lowering blood pressure.  The first I would recommend is CoQ10, a nutrient best known for its benefit to heart health.  CoQ10 is often taken for cardiovascular health and for improving heart function, but recent research has extended its long list of benefits to include the ability to lower blood pressure.  A review of 12 different clinical studies on CoQ10 reported that supplementation with CoQ10 was able to lower blood pressure on an average of 17 for the top number (systolic blood pressure) and 10 for the bottom number (diastolic blood pressure).  CoQ10 must be taken consistently for its benefits, and scientists say it may take anywhere from one to three months to see the full difference the supplement makes.

CoQ10 may also help to lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar, and reduce periodontal disease, so it is  a fantastic supplement for anyone to take.  It’s important to note that CoQ10 must be taken with food for maximum absorption.  For people with compromised absorption, or severe high blood pressure, the ubiquinol form of the vitamin would be a good idea.  It’s more expensive than regular CoQ10, but it is significantly better absorbed.

Hibiscus tea is also a nice adjunct for people with high blood pressure.  Studies have showed a modest, but impressive ability to lower blood pressure for people who drink three cups per day, with an average of about a 7 point reduction.  Hibiscus tea is caffeine free, absolutely delicious, and good hot or iced.  Republic of Tea has several flavored varieties which are especially amazing that contain a little stevia for added calorie free sweetness (I’ve tried almost all of the ones they have, and they are among my favorite teas).

Stress can also be a big factor for people with high blood pressure, especially chronic or constant stress.  There are many very effective supplements which can help to reduce stress and anxiety.  Theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, is one that I especially recommend.  Theanine helps to encourage a calm, relaxed state without tiredness.  It can be taken on a regular basis, or just when you know you’ll be going in to a stressful situation.  Interestingly, theanine has also been shown to increase focus and attention, something most everyone would like to have more of. 

Finally, I’d suggest buying a new blood pressure monitor.  Most doctors recommend replacing blood pressure monitors every three years to ensure the most accurate readings.  Keeping a daily blood pressure log can also be helpful to monitor changes and to show your doctor; it’s also an easy way to monitor the effectiveness of the changes you make.

Supplement Spotlight: Supplements for Heart Health

February is heart month! 

Cardiovascular disease is a blanket term which includes a number of issues including heart attack and stroke.  Heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women in the United States

There are a huge list of supplements which are great for heart health, though I thought it might be helpful to list those we at Pass Health Foods would list as the top supplements for a healthy heart.  Many of those on the list below have additional benefits, which just give more of a reason to try them.


If there is one supplement that I think of most when it comes to heart health it would be CoQ10. 

CoQ10 is a substance found in every cell in the body.  The body manufactures it on its own, but as we age, the body’s production of the nutrient is greatly lowered.  CoQ10 literally gives the cells the energy required to function, and is found in the highest concentrations in the heart.  Research has found benefit in supplementing with CoQ10 for preventing heart attacks, particularly a second heart attack, as well as for people with congestive heart failure (there’s a good article on CoQ10 and heart failure here).  CoQ10 has been researched extensively; here’s a nice overview of more of its benefits.  Another thing to mention is that most people with heart problems would benefit from the ubiquinol form of CoQ10, which is much better absorbed than the more common ubiquinone.

It’s especially important for people who take cholesterol lowering medications known as statins to take CoQ10, since statins like Lipitor deplete the body’s production of CoQ10.



Garlic is great for heart health due in large part for its benefits for lowering cholesterol.  Garlic has also been shown in research to slow and reduce the buildup of arterial plaque by reducing inflammation and slowing oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL).  Garlic has also been linked in studies to lowered blood pressure.

Garlic is also fantastic for the immune system, and has antioxidant and antifungal properties. Research has also suggested that garlic can help to prevent a number of cancers, particularly cancers of the digestive tract. I prefer Kyolic brand garlic capsules since they are odorless (no one wants to have garlic breath), easy to swallow, and don’t cause stomach irritation.


Omega 3 Fish Oil

If there were a supplement that would be closest to an “everything pill” it would be fish oil.  It has documented benefits for heart health, reducing bad cholesterol (triglycerides in particular), helping to increase good cholesterol (HDL), reducing inflammation, aiding in brain function, boosting mood, reducing arthritis pain, and more.  It has also been shown conclusively in research to help prevent heart disease.

Fish oil varies greatly in the concentration of EPA and DHA, the beneficial parts of omega 3 fatty acids.  The EPA and DHA in fish oil are the whole reason to take fish oil, so take care to look for a supplement that is high in EPA and DHA.  The supplement with the highest amount of EPA and DHA per pill we’ve found is Solgar’s Omega 950, so that is the one we would recommend.

There are a ton of other supplements with benefits to heart health: vitamin K, niacin, hawthorn, olive leaf, nattokinase, Sytrinol, resveratrol, and more.  Come by the store and we’d be happy to help you find the supplement that’s right for you. 

Healthy Q & A: Heart Health

Q: A close friend of mine recently had a heart attack; he is only in his mid fifties and in decent health (or so I thought).  It’s made me start to worry about my own heart, and I wanted to write to see what kinds of things you would recommend for heart health.

A: That would certainly be a wakeup call!  Unfortunately many people don’t think much about heart health until they’ve been diagnosed with a problem.  There are many supplements that can make a difference in keeping the heart and cardiovascular system healthy.  I would be remiss however, to recommend a supplement without first bringing up healthy lifestyle choices.  Most of the diseases and health problems people struggle with are a result of having a sedentary lifestyle and eating the wrong foods.  I don’t mean that to be an accusation, but just a comment on our society.  Many people have jobs where they have to sit behind a desk for eight or nine hours and then and eat take-out food every day.  With a job like that it can be difficult to find time to exercise because often people are so worn out by the time they get home that 30 minutes of exercise almost sounds like an impossibility.

Exercise however, can actually help with reducing stress and help with increasing energy levels. If you aren’t able to set aside a half hour block of time each day to exercise, you can still make small lifestyle changes that add up over time to a more active life.  Start parking your car farther away when you go to work or the store, or take the stairs rather than waiting for an elevator.  At night when watching television, use the three minute commercial break to do some stretches or keep a set of hand weights to exercise with next to the couch.  It has been shown in studies time and time again that regular exercise reduces the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and a host of other problems.

The first supplement I would recommend for heart health is Coenzyme Q10 (or CoQ10).  To explain how CoQ10 works we need to go down to the cellular level (the human body is an absolute miracle).  Each of our cells contain mitochondria, which work as a cell’s power center, giving cells energy to function.  CoQ10 works with the mitochondria to help them to function and give them energy.   Not surprisingly, the cells that have the most mitochondria in the body are heart cells, which is nature’s way of giving the heart the power necessary to drive the heart’s non-stop pumping.  Countless studies have shown CoQ10’s ability to help the heart to function better and prevent heart attacks.  There have also been studies documenting CoQ10’s ability to increase heart function in patients with congestive heart failure, as well as helping to prevent heart disease.  

Our body naturally produces CoQ10, but the amount the body is able to make reduces significantly as we age.  Statin drugs like Lipitor have also been shown to decrease the amount of CoQ10 that is produced in the body, so if a person is on cholesterol medication it is even more crucial that they supplement with CoQ10.  It’s interesting to note that CoQ10 has been found to help offset the common side effects of statin drugs like muscle pain and weakness.  

Another great but little known supplement for heart health is nattokinaise.  Nattokinaise is a common supplement in Japan which has been found to have the amazing ability to help break up blood clots.  Blood clots are associated with both heart attack and stroke, so nattokinaise can be extremely helpful in preventing both problems.  Blood clots form when strands of protein called fibrin accumulate in a blood vessel.   In a heart attack, the blood flow to the heart is cut off, stopping its oxygen supply.  If blood and oxygen are unable to reach a certain tissue in the body that tissue will eventually die.  Strokes happen in a similar way, where a clot blocks blood flow to the brain, often causing permanent damage.  Nattokinaise is so important because it helps to break down the fibrin in the blood that causes those damaging clots.

Finally, the last supplement I wanted to mention is vitamin K2.  Vitamin K is most well known for helping to ensure proper blood clotting.  When you cut your finger, the reason you don’t bleed to death is vitamin K.  Recent studies have found some very interesting things about a specific form of vitamin K known as K2.   The researchers found that vitamin K2 is able to work in the body to direct calcium to work in the proper places.  Calcium is a wonderful thing when it is deposited in the bones.  It’s not at all good however, when it’s deposited in the arteries, causing arterial calcification and hardening of the arteries.  Vitamin K2 is beneficial for both bone health and the health of the arteries which direct blood to and from the heart, keeping bones strong by making sure they have the calcium they need, and keeping arteries flexible by reducing arterial calcification.  Noted cardiologist Dr. Sinatra regularly prescribes vitamin K2 to his heart patients with wonderful results.  The one reason not to take vitamin K is if you are taking prescription blood thinners like Coumadin.

Heart health really encompasses so much, and I’ve only listed a few of my favorite supplements for a healthy heart- there are many, many more including fish oil, hawthorne, niacin, and others. The good news is there are many natural products that have a beneficial effect on the heart.  It’s much easier to prevent a problem than fix one that has already occurred.  Even if you’re a person who is genetically predisposed to heart problems, there are many steps you can take to prevent heart disease and heart attacks.  Your health truly is in your hands.  Good luck, and be well!


Healthy Q & A: Cholesterol and Red Yeast Rice


I’m trying to avoid taking Lipitor since I know so many people who have experienced side effects.  Is there anything natural that would work in a similar way to lower cholesterol?



Sometimes prescriptions are necessary, but it’s always a good idea to see if you can help yourself naturally first.  Lipitor is a cholesterol lowering medication known as a statin, and there does exist a supplement which is known as a “natural statin”- red yeast rice.  Red yeast rice comes in capsule or tablet form and works very well for lowering cholesterol.  The specific brand that I would recommend is by a company called Nature’s Plus, since they have a red yeast rice that is in an extended release formula, which means that it’s absorbed in the body over a period of hours instead of all at once.

Like prescription statins, red yeast rice should be taken at night before bedtime, since that’s when the body produces the most cholesterol.

If you’re taking prescription statins or red yeast rice, it would be a good idea to supplement with the vitamin CoQ10 as well.  CoQ10 helps to protect the heart and gives the cells the energy they need to function efficiently.  Statins like Lipitor (as well as red yeast rice, since it works like a natural statin) can deplete the body’s stores and production of CoQ10, which can result in muscle pain, one of the most common side effects of statin medications. 

Healthy Q & A: Heart Disease


Heart disease runs in my family.  I think I’m reasonably healthy, but wondered what I can do to prevent it.


Family history is definitely something to be aware of, but by no means is it an absolute.  In fact, in cases like this, knowing your family history can be of great benefit, since you can take steps to ensure that your cardiovascular system stays in top shape.


One of the most important things to consider is exercise.  Exercise helps to maintain a strong heart, fights obesity, and helps with everything from depression to osteoporosis.  The most difficult thing about beginning an exercise program is actually starting, but once you get into the habit, and see the positive changes it can cause, it makes it easier to stick with it.


A number of supplements can be helpful as well.  The first I’d mention is omega 3 fish oil.  Fish oil has been proven to help with cardiovascular health and in treating high blood pressure.  Solgar’s Omega 950is a wonderful, high potency formula that we highly recommend.  Fish oil can also help with everything from brain function to joint pain, so it’s something I think everyone would benefit from.


The next I’d most recommend is supplementing with CoQ10.  CoQ10 is a substance found in every cell in the body.  The body manufactures it on its own, but as we age, the body’s production of the nutrient is greatly lowered (and some prescriptions, like statins, further deplete the body of CoQ10).  CoQ10 literally gives the cells the energy required to function, and is found in the highest concentrations in the heart.  Research has found benefit of supplementing with CoQ10 for preventing heart attacks, particularly a second heart attack, as well as for people with congestive heart failure (there’s a good article on CoQ10 and heart failure here).  CoQ10 has been researched extensively; here’s a nice overview of more of its benefits.  Another thing to mention is that most people with heart problems would benefit from the ubiquinol form of CoQ10, which is much better absorbed than the more common ubiquinone.


High blood pressure is another problem which goes hand in hand with heart disease.  One easy way to help lower it is to drink 3 cups of hibiscus tea daily (Republic of Tea has several flavored varieties which are particularly delicious).  Something else that can be of great benefit is garlic extract- the brand Kyolichas odorless garlic capsules.  Garlic can also help with boosting the immune system, so it’s a great supplement to take in the winter.


Heart health is an extensive topic, so be sure to stop in the store so we can help you more thoroughly.

Supplement Spotlight: CoQ10 and Ubiquinol

The supplement ubiquinol was recently on the Dr. Oz show as one of the most powerful antioxidants.  There has been some confusion regarding CoQ10 vs. ubiquinol, so I thought I’d write about both here.


Ubiquinol is the active form of CoQ10, also known as ubiquinone.  CoQ10 is produced in the body, though the amount produced decreases with age, and is further reduced by some prescription medications, specifically statins like Lipitor.  CoQ10 as ubiquinone is the more commonly known form, and is also less expensive.  Ubiquinol is much better absorbing, but more expensive as well.


CoQ10 and ubiquinol are wonderful antioxidants, and work to give the body cellular energy, specifically in the mitochondria or “power houses” of the cells.  CoQ10 is also important for heart health and has been researched with positive effects for preventing heart attacks (especially second heart attacks) and helping with congestive heart failure.  Part of the reason it’s so beneficial for heart health is that the greatest concentration of mitochondria in the body is in the heart muscle, so very literally, CoQ10 gives the heart the energy to keep beating.

Everyone would benefit from supplementation with CoQ10 or ubiquinol, especially people with heart problems or a family history of heart disease.  Persons taking statins and even the natural “statin-like” red yeast rice, should take at least 100mg of CoQ10 daily to prevent side effects like muscle pain and weakness caused in part by depleted CoQ10 in the body, since statins (and CoQ10 to a lesser extent) diminish the production of CoQ10 in the body.


For healthy people taking CoQ10 as a general preventative, the common ubiquinone form is usually sufficient, though if you’re over 65, have compromised absorption, or have any sort of heart problems, you may want to consider switching to the active, ubiquinol form of CoQ10 since it’s easier absorbed and utilized by the body.