Store Updates

Masks No Longer Required at Pass Health Foods

What a time it’s been with Covid. Things really seem like they’re turning a corner lately, and we hope it stays that way. We just took down the plexiglass barriers by our registers that we put up nearly two years ago- it felt so odd at first with them gone.

Since the indoor mask mandate has been lifted and the Covid numbers have gone down so much, masks will no longer be required at Pass Health Foods for shoppers or staff. We have told our staff that they should make the decision that they feel comfortable with for themselves. We will respect our staff and customers individual decisions with what they feel comfortable with in regard to wearing a mask. I know some people can’t wait to be done with them, while others still feel safer wearing them, since we’ve worn them for so long. I think it’s going to take a while for everyone to get back to normal, and for things to really feel normal.

We appreciate each of our customers for continuing to support us through a trying two years. Additionally, we will continue to offer curb side pickup for customers who prefer it. Thanks again for your support, we wouldn’t be here without you.