Brain Function

Healthy Q & A: Supplements for Depression

Q:  I have a friend who has had depression for a while.  I feel bad for her, but it almost seems like there’s nothing I can do.  I wondered if you knew of anything natural I could suggest to her that might help.

A:  Depression is a problem that affects 14.8 million Americans, so your friend is certainly not alone.  Sadly many people don’t want to talk about or seek help for depression because they think somehow there is something wrong with them or they are embarrassed by having a problem.  People often think (or are given the advice) that they just need to “snap out of it”, but often recovering from depression is not that simple.  There are countless prescription drugs that are marketed for depression, and sometimes a prescription may be necessary, but before turning to pharmaceuticals for treatment it would be smart to try some of the many natural treatments for depression.  It’s always wise to try to fix a problem naturally before turning to prescription drugs and the side effects that frequently come with them.  

Deciding to seek professional help is always a good idea, since sometimes just talking to someone who is removed from the situation can help a person to see things in a more positive light.  So to your friend and anyone else who is reading this and suffers from depression, let me say emphatically that there is nothing wrong with you, but rather you have a problem that needs to and is able to be fixed.

The first thing I would recommend for depression is fish oil.  Everyone should be taking omega 3 fish oil, which has been shown in countless studies to have benefits in nearly all facets of health from heart health to lowering cholesterol to reducing inflammation and finally to its use in brain function.  The omega 3s in fish oil are a main building block in having proper brain chemistry.  Without enough omega 3s, neurotransmitters in the brain can’t work as efficiently, and when your brain isn’t working right, you can feel depressed or anxious.  Omega 3s are not manufactured in the body and must be obtained from supplements and diet, though unfortunately the diet of most Americans isn’t very high in heart healthy fish or nuts and seeds that contain omega 3s.  One recent study found that higher intakes of omega 3 oils and oily fish reduced the number of occasions that participants experienced depressive symptoms.

Our brains are made up of omega 3 fats, so it only makes sense that supplementing with fish oils would help the brain to run better.

The second building block to proper brain function are B vitamins.  A common reason for mild 
depression is an imbalance of neorotransmitters in the brain which can act as mood enhancers by helping to transmit signals between brain cells.  Prescription antidepression medications like Prozac or other SSRIs focus on the neurotransmitter serotonin and work to make that neurotransmitter stay longer in the body.  Supplementing with a high potency B complex can have similar results in the brain by converting amino acids into serotonin as well as helping to synthesize other feel good neurotransmitters.  Danish and Dutch studies in recent years have backed up this idea by showing that people who suffer from depression are often deficient in one or more B vitamins.  Each of the B vitamins work a little differently to do different things in the body and brain, but its recommended to take a complete B complex rather than just one specific B vitamin because they work best when taken together.

Fish oils and B vitamins are the building blocks to have a sturdy foundation of brain health.

There are several other supplements that work very well to help with combating depression and anxiety that can be taken in addition to those foundational supplements.  5-HTP is an amino acid that is a serotonin precursor meaning a supplement that turns into serotonin in the body.  SSRI class antidepressants like Prozac block the uptake of serotonin in the body so in stays along longer, but it doesn’t actually increase the amount of serotonin (the feel good neurotransmitter) in the body, so if your body isn’t making enough serotonin in the first place, drugs like Prozac won’t help as much.  One way to look at it is an analogy of a sink.  With 5-HTP you aren’t plugging up the sink, you’re just adding more to it.  One six week study found that participants who took 300mg daily of 5-HTP had the same depression relief as 
those who took prescription antidepressants but with fewer side effects.  5-HTP works very well, but it’s important to not mix it with Prozac or other antidepressants known as SSRIs.

Another favorite supplement that I would recommend for depression and anxiety is an amino acid L-theanine which is derived from green tea.  Theanine works by helping to increase the amount of GABA, another neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety without drowsiness.  Theanine has actually been shown by researchers to help increase alpha brain wave patterns which are connected to being in an alert, relaxed state.  It’s a great supplement to take when you’ll be going into a situation that you know is going to make you stressed and anxious. 

There are many other supplements that are helpful in treating depression, and I’ve only mentioned a few.  Each of us are different and our brains work differently, so sometimes it can take time to find the supplement that is right for you.  Because of this it’s helpful to speak to someone who is knowledgeable about different natural supplements.  One nice thing about natural treatments for depression is that unlike pharmaceuticals they can be stopped at any time without causing withdrawal symptoms.  I hope some of this information can help your friend.  There is no reason to suffer depression in silence without seeking treatment.  

Depression affects millions of Americans and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.  Good 

Healthy Q & A: Improving Children's Concentration in School

Q:  My son has started first grade this year, and he’s been having a terrible time.  His teacher has a system of warnings that they get and then they have to stay inside for recess.  He’s already had to stay in for recess now a couple times, which I really think just makes things worse.  He’s not a bad kid, he just has a difficult time concentrating I think.  Is there anything you’d recommend?  I feel horrible about this whole situation.


A: Transitioning from kindergarten to first grade is a huge step, and many children, particularly boys, have a difficult time. As a young child (or person of any age!), sitting in a desk all day can be really hard.  I wonder if you might be able to speak to his teacher about the punishments in her class, since staying in for recess seems like the last thing that a child who has trouble paying attention needs.  Free play and being outdoors has been shown to increase concentration and behavior in the classroom, which is exactly the goal you’re looking for.

There are a number of supplements which have been shown to help with brain function and concentration in children.  The first I’d recommend is omega 3 fish oil.  The body cannot manufacture omega 3 fatty acids, and fatty acids which are essential to the body and play a large role in brain function, so if a child isn’t eating fatty fish multiple times a week (and few are), it is likely they’re deficient in those nutrients.  Omega 3 fatty acids have been studied extensively for their role in proper brain functioning, and are safe and beneficial for people of all ages.

Omega 3 fish oil can aid in concentration as well as helping with improving learning and behavior.  Science Daily has reported on a recent study which found, “From a sample of nearly 500 schoolchildren, we found that levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in the blood significantly predicted a child's behavior and ability to learn. Higher levels of Omega-3 in the blood, and DHA in particular, were associated with better reading and memory, as well as with fewer behavior problems as rated by parents and teachers.”

Correcting an omega 3 deficiency can go a long way in improving school performance in children, especially for kids who are having a difficult time.  There have even been positive results for children suffering from ADD/ADHD and autism as well. 

I have personally had a number of our customers have very impressive results with omega 3s for their children.  I remember one woman who came back in tears because she was so happy with the change in her daughter’s behavior after taking fish oils.  She said it was like night and day.  I won’t try to suggest that that is a typical response, though I do truly believe that fish oil does make a difference for the brain functioning, especially in children.

Most parents can’t picture their children being willing to take a fish oil, though we do have several great, non fishy tasting omega 3 supplements.  The one I would most recommend is Barlean’s Omega Swirl.  It comes in a variety of flavors- my daughter likes the lemon best- and it’s made in a way that it has a creamy consistency, rather than an oil, similar to yogurt or custard.  I don’t tell her its fish oil, just a “liquid vitamin”, but she absolutely loves the taste, and would literally drink the whole bottle if I let her.

Theanine is another supplement that might be helpful, since it helps with both reducing stress and anxiety as well as increasing focus. It’s safe for both kids and adults, and many people have found it to help themselves to feel more calm and focused vs. feeling scatterbrained. Theanine is derived from green tea and is very safe to take and is available in both gummies or capsules.

Supplement Spotlight: Back to School Supplements

This month’s spotlight is on back to school supplements.  I feel like September used to be the back to school month, but now it seems that everyone is starting in August (I really can’t believe that we’re nearing the end of summer).


A daily multivitamin is not a substitute for a healthy diet, but rather it’s an insurance policy of sorts for filling out nutrients that may be missing from a person’s diet on a regular basis.  Multivitamins for children are especially important since most kids aren’t known for having the most healthy or varied diets.   Daily multivitamin use in children has even been associated with an increase in IQ and academic performance.


Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3s are incredibly important for school aged children (and everyone).  Omega 3 fatty acids play a large role in brain function, focus, and concentration.  The body cannot manufacture omega 3 fatty acids, they must be obtained through diet.  If your child is not eating fatty fish on a regular basis, it is likely they are deficient.  The company Barleans has a delicious tasting fish oil liquid that is not fishy tasting at all, in fact, my daughter would drink the whole bottle at a sitting if I’d let her.  I really can’t recommend omega 3s for kids enough.  In fact, I’ve had a number of customers report an impressive change in their children’s behavior and concentration at school after beginning supplementation.



Stress and anxiety are a real problem for many school age children.  L-theanine, an amino acid derived from green tea, is a natural and effective supplement that is helpful for children and adults of all ages to reduce stress and anxiety as well as improve focus and concentration.  Theanine works by promoting alpha brain waves, the type of brain waves that produce a calm, relaxed state.  Unlike many herbs or supplements for stress it will not make you tired.  We have theanine in chewable tablets or capsules, as well as a chewable formula made for young children called Relax-a-Saurus by KAL’s Dinosaur brand.

Supplement Spotlight: Back to School Supplements for Children

It goes without saying that a healthy, balanced diet is important for children, but the fact is that most children’s (especially young children) diets are far from that.  It’s been said that the top two vegetables eaten by American children are French fries and ketchup, which should give everyone pause. 


Research from the U.S. Department of Agriculture has determined that “Less than half of children consume the USDA recommended number of servings in any give food pyramid group and almost 80% do not eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables.”

These missing nutrients can cause a number of problems for growing bodies, and can also evidence itself in concentration and attention problems at school.  One study, for example, researched kids ages 8-14 who took a multivitamin for three months and had “significantly improved cognition and mood”.


Another study found that “Children who took dietary supplements showed more positive emotions and fewer negative emotions.”  Yet another study found that multivitamin use among children improved cognitive performance.


One area where supplements are important for children (I would almost venture to say that they may be even more important than a multivitamin) are omega 3 fatty acids.  Omega 3 fatty acids are absolutely crucial for brain function and development.  It’s important to note that the body cannot manufacture its own omega 3s, and that they must be added to the body either from foods or supplements.  Omega 3s can be obtained from fish or flax, though for children and brain function fish is greatly superior, though there are vegetarian forms that are as effective as fish oil (it’s important to look for vegetarian products with DHA).  Most kids aren’t a big fan of fish, plus there are concerns about mercury contamination, so supplements are an ideal choice.


For most parents the idea of getting their child to take a fish oil supplement is laughable, but there are some fantastic and great tasting fish oil supplements on the market.  The one I most recommend isBarlean’s Omega Swirl, which is made in a way so that the texture is similar to a cream or yogurt and it’s not at all fishy.  My daughter would literally drink the entire bottle if I’d let her. 


There are a large amount of positive studies on the benefits of omega 3 fish oil supplements for children and its help in concentration, impulse control, depression and hostility.  For children with ADD/ADHD, supplementation is even more important, as research has found that those children are often severely deficient in omega 3s.  I even had a woman who came in the store literally in tears because she was so grateful at the night and day difference in her daughter after giving her fish oil.  While I can’t say that results like that are going to happen for everyone, I do firmly believe that omega 3 supplements are of great benefit for everyone, especially children.


Other areas of importance are of Vitamin D, especially in the winter, since vitamin D deficiency can cause brittle bones and osteoporosis in later life.  Vitamin D also enhances immune function, and vitamin D supplementation has been found in research to reduce the risk of illness in children, especially respiratory infections.  Calcium supplements are also important for children, especially those on dairy free diets.


We have a lot of very high quality children’s vitamins and supplements at the store, so come by- we’d love to help you.